Published: June 5, 2020
Revive! Omaha honors Pastor Portia Cavitt
Community helping Community
A new series from Revive! Omaha
During the pandemic we can get overwhelmed with negative news. In keeping with the mission of Revive! Omaha, we decided to highlight people who are doing great work behind the scenes.
Pastor Portia Cavitt, or “Pastor P” as she is known in the community, is a powerhouse. She’s not afraid to voice her strong opinion while representing the community’s needs and concerns. She speaks truth to power and is always ready to develop partnerships to solve an issue.
“Pastor P is one of those people we wish we had more of…she talks the talk, and walks the walk in terms of standing up for the community,” said Councilman Ben Gray.
She is the Senior Pastor of Clair Memorial United Methodist Church. She has lived in Omaha for many years, and hit the ground running to make a measurable impact initially in South Omaha and then moved to Clair to lead that ministry. The community is blessed to have had Pastor Cavitt in her position now for 12 years, which is not typical for the UMC or AME denomination. The community takes a deep collective breath and exhales excitedly each time the decision is made for Pastor P to stay in place at Clair.
Jonathan Chapman, Head Coach at Church on Purpose and leader of the Empowerment Network’s Pastors and Faith Leaders Collaborative had this to say: “Pastor Portia is an amazing example of the power of the Church to impact lives when we translate our command to love one another into practical action. She leads by example in a way that make you want to be a part and her intimate knowledge of the obstacles facing those in need in our community positions her perfectly to advocate on their behalf. And every opportunity to do so, she takes full advantage of.”
Pastor Cavitt wears many hats. She is what some would describe as a throwback to a previous generation of pastors, with a servant leadership, community activist and hands-on style. She always makes herself available when called upon by the community. In addition to her frequent engagement with the school district board, city council members and county commissioners, Pastor P is extremely active in the community on a daily basis. She moves with seemingly unbounded energy from one event or meeting to another.
Pastor P was recently elected as the president of the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance. The first woman elected to hold the position. She continues to play key leadership roles with many organizations including the Village Zone Pastor and Faith Leaders Collaborative as a Village Champion; board chair of the North Omaha Area Health (NOAH) clinic, the North Omaha Community Care Council and the Great Plains Black History Museum; previous board chairwoman for the North Omaha Continuum of Care; and a member of many other organizations.
“Pastor Cavitt is dedicated to making Omaha a great place for everyone to live. She always looks to help everyone reach their full potential,” said Eric Ewing, Executive Director of the Great Plains Black History Museum.
She is committed to the health of our community. Much of her work impacts community health from hosting food pantries to encouraging members of her church and community to participate in health walks and healthy behaviors. Pastor P has consistently had some of the highest numbers of participants in her health-oriented events and activities. She also has a thriving health ministry in her church and partners with the Big Garden to maintain a community garden every year on the church grounds.
She is dedicated to social justice. She co-hosts important community meetings and planning sessions at her church to address youth detention, racism, violence, fighting the expansion of liquor establishments and other critical topics.
“Pastor Cavitt is a tireless advocate for our community. She has a no nonsense, get it done approach that is very effective. She is caring and concerned about those less fortunate and at risk, and is willing to do all she can to improve their plight. This includes health disparities, social justice inequities and economics inequalities. I count it a privilege to work with her,” said Pastor T. Michael Williams of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church.
“You can count on her to be the voice of conscious that does not have an agenda only a sincere desire to help those in need,” said Chris Rodgers, Douglas County Commissioner.
She is also devoted to future generations. On a weekly basis, you will see Pastor P at a number of schools leading highly effective and well attended sessions with groups of students. She has been a major player and leader with successful community efforts at Wakonda and Mt. View Elementary, Nathan Hale and other schools. She personally teaches and sponsors groups while recruiting other pastors and leaders to attend as guest speakers and mentors.
Lisa Utterback, Executive Director for Omaha Public Schools Office of Community, School and Family Engagement had glowing praise for Cavitt. “Pastor Portia Cavitt has been incredibly dedicated to supporting students and families in the Omaha Public Schools. She serves as a positive mentor and role model, and volunteers countless hours serving others. Pastor P truly embodies servant leadership. It is a blessing to have her as an OPS advocate.”
She accomplishes all of these great things while helping foster children and her talented and impressive godson Kameron.
Pastor Portia Cavitt is well deserving of any honors that come her way and she has been recognized with significant awards.
Plain and simple, she is doing the work.
During the coronavirus pandemic she has expanded Clair Cares food pantry, partnering with other churches and the Empowerment Network to connect with residents of Benson and Crown Towers to help meet the needs of seniors and others.
And, did we mention she’s a proud and active member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority?
Vickie Young, President of the OmahaNAACP captured the essence of Pastor Cavitt:
“During the several years that I have known Pastor Cavitt, I’ve always known her to be an advocate for social change. She’s always stood for righteousness and positive change in our community, never wavering from her stance. She has a heart for the youth; serving as a positive role model for young girls and women.”
“Fondly known as Pastor P, Pastor Cavitt exudes leadership and goodwill via the diverse relationships established with her congregation, various schools, the court system and community at large. We’re blessed to have this mighty warrior fighting for North Omaha.”
Pastor Cavitt is an exceptional example of Community helping Community. A living legend. Revive Magazine celebrates you!