Governor Pete Ricketts, Directors Smith, Goins and Frakes: Formally working with African-American & North Omaha communities
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Published: June 15, 2020
10 Point Plan officially approved and released on May 22, 2020
Governor Pete Ricketts agrees to partner with African-American and North Omaha communities to prevent the spread of COVID 19 and address economic gaps.
A group of leaders representing hundreds of African-American led and North Omaha organizations, businesses, neighborhoods, churches, faith communities and thousands of residents have met with Governor Pete Ricketts and key department leaders over the past two months to identify ways to work together to prevent the spread of the COVID 19 Coronavirus and address long-term economic issues.
Governor Ricketts recognizes that in Douglas County a disproportionate number African-Americans, Hispanic/Latinos, Asians and other people of color have been severely impacted by the Coronavirus.
The North Omaha and South Omaha communities have the highest number of documented cases in Douglas County.
The leadership groups and Governor Ricketts have also discussed the economic gaps, health disparities and underlying conditions that existed well before the virus and in some cases have been in place for decades.
Both groups acknowledge some important progress has been made during the previous 10 years, but much work lies ahead to fully close economic and health gaps.
Building on successful gains made in Omaha through collective work and the historic collaboration now occurring in North Omaha, Governor Ricketts and his team have agreed to work with the community in the following specific areas including, but not limited to:
Tracking of data by race, ethnicity and geography; assuring residents with COVID related illness have access to health care; expanding testing efforts; increasing access to masks; partnering with community-based health organizations and entities; engaging with North Omaha media; sharing plans designed to prevent the spread of the virus in prisons and jails; and assuring organizations and businesses in areas hit hardest by the virus receive equitable funding from federal, state and county allocations and investments.
Governor Ricketts has assigned Directors Dannette Smith – Health and Human Services, Anthony Goins – Economic Development and Scott Frakes – Corrections, to work with the African-American and North Omaha communities.
For more details, please review the 10 Point Action Plan, Commitments and Initial Actions. (Below)
Official Press Release (May 22, 2020)
Gov. Ricketts Highlights Progress on Partnership with Omaha Communities on Coronavirus Response
LINCOLN – Today, Governor Ricketts provided an update on the State of Nebraska’s efforts to help communities in Omaha combat coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Since early May, Governor Ricketts has been engaging leaders in North and South Omaha during the current public health emergency to help slow the spread of the virus.
“Throughout the country, our minority populations have been disproportionately impacted by the coronavirus ,” said Governor Ricketts. “We are working with leaders in communities of color throughout the state to ensure all Nebraskans have access the health care, education, and resources for this public health emergency. Thank you to the leaders in North and South Omaha for working with the State to help address the issues that are most prevalent in their communities.”
The ten-point plan includes the following initiatives:
· Data Reporting: Tracking health data related to coronavirus based on race, ethnicity, and geography across the State.
o The State is working with local public health departments to track cases by race and ethnicity in statewide data reporting.
· Access to Care: Working with health care leaders in the community and with the State of Nebraska to ensure that no one is denied coronavirus related health services.
o Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has been working with healthcare providers in the community to assure them that they will be reimbursed for coronavirus related expenses. The Governor’s Office is working with community leaders to inform the public that testing is free even if an individual does not have health insurance and that no one will be denied treatment for coronavirus because of an inability to pay.
· Supporting Community Providers: Providing resources through healthcare facilities in North and South Omaha.
o The State is engaging directly with Charles Drew and One World Health to ensure testing and other resources are being provided to the community.
· Testing: Expanding testing in Omaha.
o In addition to working with community federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), the State is deploying Test Nebraska testing sites in Omaha to increase testing capacity and assist in alleviating the burden on local healthcare providers in the community.
· Masks: Increasing availability of masks for the community.
o DHHS and Governor’s Office are partnering with community leaders to increase messaging regarding the importance of wearing masks when out in public.
· Tracking Funding: Providing and tracking State and Federal coronavirus related funding for North and South Omaha.
o The State is working with Omaha leaders to establish a guideline for tracking coronavirus related funding as it relates to the communities of North and South Omaha.
· Corrections: Updating the community on the State’s plan to prevent spread of coronavirus in the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS).
o NDCS Director Scott Frakes participated in a call with Omaha leaders to address their concerns regarding the virus’ impact on the State’s correctional system.
· Unemployment: Assuring timely response regarding unemployment applications.
o Nebraska Department of Labor (NDOL) Commissioner John Albin and NDOL have improved access to unemployment benefits by contracting with North End Teleservices to create a new call center for unemployment benefit claimants, with multiple bilingual customer service representatives available. NDOL has provided additional access to the unemployment program by teaming with Metro Community College (MCC) to create an access point at the Fort Dodge campus of MCC.
· Public Awareness: Collaborating with the Omaha community to expand messaging and education regarding coronavirus.
o The Governor’s Office has been working directly with the Black Media Collaborative/North Omaha Media Collaborative to deploy coronavirus messaging as part of a month-long communications campaign. The Governor’s Office is also working with Spanish media outlets to get messaging to those in which English is not their primary language.
· Future Growth: Partnering with leaders to address long-standing economic and health issues in North and South Omaha.
o Governor Ricketts has directed Nebraska Department of Economic Development Director Tony Goins and DHHS CEO Dannette Smith to work closely with the communities of North and South Omaha to address these issues. To date, task forces have been established that involve state, local, and industry leaders to focus on both of these areas.
The North Omaha groups consist of hundreds of organizations, businesses, churches, neighborhood associations, media outlets and others representing and serving thousands of residents.
10 Point Action Plan to Prevent the Spread of COVID 19 and Work to Begin Addressing Short-term and Long-term Economic and Health Issues in North Omaha.
Developed with North Omaha Leaders/COVID Task Forces in partnership with Governor Ricketts and leaders from State Departments (April – May 2020; approved May 15, 2020)
1. Tracking data by race, ethnicity and geography across the state in a similar format to what Douglas County is currently implementing.
Commitment: Governor Ricketts agreed to have the Department of Health and Human Services to work with county officials to collect this important data.
Initial Action: The first report was released on May 30, 2020. Douglas County has gathered and reported data by race, ethnicity and geography from the beginning.
2. Working with Health systems CEO’s, DHHS and others to assure that no one facing Coronavirus issues is denied health services during this time.
Commitment: Governor Ricketts agreed to have his team work with CEO’s and other health organizations to assure that no Nebraskan will be turned away from health services related to COVID. And, Governor Ricketts made the commitment that health organization would be reimbursed for services provided to those with COVID related sickness.
Initial Actions: Meetings have been held with health organizations and this message has been communicated. No Nebraskan will be refused access to healthcare related to COVID 19. Cares funding also assures no one will be turned away because of COVID 19.
3. Provide funding to support Charles Drew Health Center, One World Health Center, Center for Holistic Development and North Omaha Area Health clinic who all provide culturally specific and valuable leadership and health services in North and South Omaha. The funding opportunities will address physical and mental health.
Commitment: Governor Ricketts agreed to identify funding opportunities for communities most impacted by COVID 19 including North and South Omaha.
Initial Actions: Governor Ricketts and his team are identifying opportunities that can be connected to North and South Omaha and other areas severely impacted by COVID 19. Follow up meetings are scheduled to identify and secure specific funding through grant application processes and direct allocation to communities most impacted. Several meetings have been held with HHS Mental Health team. A proposal is under consideration by DHHS.
4. Increase the access to testing. Reinforce the need for testing.
Commitment: Governor Ricketts agreed to the importance of expanded testing.
Initial Actions: Governor Ricketts launched TestNebraska, a major statewide initiative which will help identify geographic areas to focus on and lead to contact tracing to prevent further spread. The state of Nebraska will partner with Charles Drew and One World in the local community. The One World implementation started on Thursday, May 14th. Charles Drew implementation has also started.
5. Push for more masks and face coverings to be made available in North and South Omaha.
Commitment: Governor Ricketts agreed to support efforts in Douglas County to make more masks available.
Initial Actions: Douglas County and others have made over 26,000 masks available within the past two weeks for North and South Omaha. African-American and North Omaha leaders will be working with Douglas County and other to make more masks available.
6. Identify the funding allocated for Nebraska through the Federal Cares program which has made $1.099 billion available to the State and $160 million to Douglas County to address COVID 19 issues. Assure that North and South Omaha receive equitable funding from Federal and State sources. And, use scorecards for tracking and reporting purposes.
Commitment: The State has agreed to track by category and department the amount allocated and invested/spent with North and South Omaha organizations.
Initial Actions: A draft tracking report has been created and a diversity and inclusion scorecard. The State of Nebraska has identified plans to allocate the funds by category.
7. Formally address the plan to prevent spread of COVID in State Corrections without sharing sensitive safety procedures.
Commitment: Governor Ricketts agreed to have Director Scott Frakes share plans without sensitive safety procedures. Governor Ricketts also committed to testing incarcerated individuals if an incident occurs.
Initial Actions: A follow-up conference call with State Corrections Director Scott Frakes and DC Jail Director Michael Myers was very productive. As of June 13, 2020, nine state employees have been diagnosed with COVID and have been quarantined. One incarcerated individuals has tested positive in State Corrections. All institutions have comprehensive plans in place. As of June 11th, all incarcerated individuals can be tested within the state corrections system.
8. Assure that unemployment claims are met on a timely basis.
Commitment: Governor Ricketts and his team were already working to increase staffing to support faster service. Staff has increased from 35 to over 160. Governor Ricketts was open to a proposal to help increase capacity in Douglas County with emphasis on Heartland Workforce Solutions.
Initial Actions: Staff has been increased from 35 to over 160. Barriers are being reduced. Governor Ricketts is considering additional funding to support Heartland Workforce Solutions to assist with unemployment work in North and South Omaha.
9. Working with North and South Omaha media to spread the Stay Home, Stay Safe and Support the Village campaign which also incorporates the Governor’s six point plan to Stay Healthy. (campaign should include physical and mental health)
Commitment: Governor Ricketts agreed to support PSA’s and personal participation with radio interviews. The communications team is reviewing COVID 19 funding to assess the ability to invest in education campaigns. Governor Ricketts also committed to assuring communications materials for education, resources and promotional materials will be culturally specific.
Initial Actions: Governor Ricketts has been a special guest on three African-American radio stations in North Omaha. In addition, the State of Nebraska has actively participated with the communications strategy in North Omaha and South Omaha. The leadership group working with Black/North Omaha media and Hispanic/South Omaha media are presenting a long-term communications and outreach plan. The State of Nebraska has started advertising campaigns on the three radio stations.
10. In addition to the 10 Point Plan, Governor Ricketts and his team will work with North and South Omaha on an expanded short-term and long-term economic and health transformation strategy to address long-standing issues and gaps. Make the state of Nebraska a thriving and prosperous state in every county for all people including all races, ethnicities and zip codes in rural and urban communities with a special and intense focus on North and South Omaha which have suffered decades of health disparities driven by socio-economic issues.
Commitment: Governor Ricketts agreed to partner with the North and South Omaha leadership groups to develop and implement strategies to address short-term and long-term economic and health issues that addressed before COVID 19. Some of the immediate needs are directly related to the success of small businesses.
Initial Actions: Governor Ricketts and Tony Goins, Director of Economic Development for the State of Nebraska have created task forces to specifically address COVID related business issues.
Governor Ricketts has agreed to on-going planning and strategy sessions to work with the North Omaha and South Omaha leadership groups to implement targeted strategies.
Governor Ricketts is working with African-American leaders to implement the programs and Anthony Goins, Director of Economic Development, Dannette Smith, Director of Health and Human Services and Scott Frakes, Director of Corrections are working directly with leaders to move things forward.
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Community News
Step-Up Omaha interns gain valuable work experience at UNMC

Front row from left: Evelyn Grixby, UNMC employee relations programs coordinator; Alona Wilson; Jennifer Esqueda; Amari Johnson; Lakeisha Bonam of Step-Up Omaha; and Linda Cunningham, associate director for UNMC Human Resources. Back row from left: NeRae Davis; Niara Bowie-Berry; Randy Smith; Mukundaha Devanaboyina; Julia Livingston of Step-Up Omaha; and John Skradski of Step-Up Omaha.
Published: July 21, 2024
WRITTEN BY Jeff Robb, UNMC strategic communications
Step-Up Omaha interns are back at UNMC for another summer of work experience and learning opportunities around the academic medical center.
Step-Up Omaha is an initiative of the Empowerment Network, the City of Omaha and community partners to give youths summer job training and work experience.
Since 2016, UNMC has participated by hosting interns in a variety of departments, centers and offices around the campus. This year, the program, which started June 17, has eight interns.
Evelyn Grixby, employee relations programs coordinator in UNMC Human Resources and the Step-Up Omaha program coordinator, said UNMC’s Step-Up internship program is a coordinated effort with the worksite partners to invest in the interns and intentionally provide them valuable outcomes by the end of summer.
The interns receive job shadowing, mentoring, career guidance and networking opportunities, Grixby said.
“In the short period of time that the interns are on campus, they gain soft skills training that leave them feeling empowered, inspired, connected and more confident about their career interest,” she said.
Linda Cunningham, associate director for UNMC Human Resources, said the department is excited to welcome the 2024 interns to UNMC.
Cunningham credited Grixby for her dedicated efforts to the program. She also thanked participating UNMC departments, saying they are mentoring future leaders while also embracing the fresh, new perspectives shared by the interns.
Said Cunningham, “Our campus remains committed to providing thoughtfully designed and impactful learning experiences for our Step-Up interns in a supportive environment that exceeds their expectations and hones their curiosity for career exploration and success.
“We encourage each of them to take full advantage of the rich opportunity, resources and connections available to them during this experience.”
Intern Randy Smith is back at UNMC for a fourth summer through the program, this time working with the UNMC Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research. Smith, who is studying psychology at Metropolitan Community College, said he was drawn by UNMC’s environment of friendly people.
“It’s great working along with people who are like-minded, driving towards a better future in technology and health care,” he said.
This summer’s interns and their departments are:
- Jennifer Esqueda, UNMC Human Resources
- Alona Wilson, UNMC Human Resources and the Office of the Chancellor
- Randy Smith, UNMC Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research
- NeRae Davis, UNMC Facilities Management and Planning
- Amari Johnson, UNMC Office of Inclusion
- Mukundaha Devanaboyina, Munroe-Meyer Institute community engagement
- Ajay Repakula, Munroe-Meyer Institute Trailblazers Program and administration
- Niara Bowie-Berry, UNMC Global Center for Health Security
Community News
Ashlei Spivey running for State Senate, marches towards general election

Published: August 20, 2024
As Nebraska’s Legislative District 13 prepares for a new season, Ashlei Spivey is running for office to become the clear choice to lead this truly resilient and diverse community.
A lifelong resident of North Omaha, Ashlei epitomizes the spirit and core of the district’s culture, rich history and vast potential. With a deep commitment to her community along with a proven track record of advocacy, Ashlei is campaigning to be the leader District 13 needs.
Growing up in North Omaha, Ashlei didn’t just witness the challenges her neighbors faced, she lived them. This personal connection fueled her passion for social justice and inspired her to dedicate her life to serving others.
With degrees in Communications, Marketing, and Urban Social Planning, Ashlei brings a unique blend of vision, intelligence, and Omaha grit to the table. Ashlei believes her educational background, coupled with her vast experience in nonprofit leadership, equips her with the necessary tools to create meaningful change.
Ashlei is a leader on a mission. Having founded the nonprofit, I Be Black Girls and currently sitting as its Executive Director, her impact has driven significant change, notably in Black maternal health. Her tireless work led to the creation of Nebraska’s first statewide Black maternal health coalition, transforming healthcare delivery for Black women across the state.
But Ashlei’s vision extends beyond healthcare. Her goal is to make a measurable difference in the lives of Nebraskans. She plans to tackle head-on issues affecting her constituents, like public safety, economic development, lowering property tax, and improving education. “Residents of District 13 deserve the opportunity to thrive in a safe community,” she said. My commitment is to fight for the things that matter, such as affordable housing, quality healthcare, and well-funded schools accessible to all.
Ashlei’s heart is on full display when you examine her professional work and personal life. Having worked alongside many in the district, she has built strong relationships with local community organizations, businesses, and residents alike.
Her unwavering commitment to the region she calls home is palpable. Her ability to listen, empathize, and act on behalf of her constituents is what she says sets her apart and prepares her to bring the voices of District 13 to the Capitol.
Given the successes under her belt, her talent has not gone unnoticed. Ashlei has been nationally recognized, earning such distinctions as the Ten Outstanding Young Omahans Award, the Chamber YP Changemaker Award and she has been featured in Forbes and Essence.
Ashlei Spivey is not just running for political office but for the many neighbors who rely on her to make a difference. She wants to empower the residents of District 13 to ensure they have a voice at the highest levels of their government.
“I am ready to hit the ground running on day one,” Ashlei says, “and I look forward to earning the vote and trust of Legislative District 13.”
To learn more about Ashlei Spivey’s vision for Nebraska Legislative District 13, visit https://www.ashleifornebraska.com/
Curtis Morgan to lead MBK Omaha programs for Empowerment Network

Published: July 21, 2024
The Empowerment Network is pleased to announce the addition of Curtis Morgan as the My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Omaha Program Manager. Morgan brings a wealth of experience in public administration, youth development, community engagement, and nonprofit management to his new role.
Morgan has spent more than a decade working in various leadership roles, demonstrating a deep commitment to fostering community development and youth empowerment.
He previously served as program coordinator for TeamMates, a school-based mentoring program from Omaha Public Schools, where he recruited community members to mentor students in schools across the district. Morgan has also served as the re-engagement specialists for D2 Center, where he helped high school students with chronic absenteeism and truancy find a path to graduation. Additionally, he’s managed and facilitated after-school programming for elementary and middle school students in North and South Omaha. As a proud member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., he also volunteers as the director of the Omaha Kappa League.
“I am humbled and truly honored to join the Empowerment Network team as the MBK Omaha program manager,” said Morgan. “I’ve had the pleasure of volunteering and participating in several Empowerment Networks events and collaborations over the last decade. Now I’ll have the opportunity to lead a collaborative effort with a mission that is closely related to my passion for mentoring and youth advocacy. Together, we will fill the voids that exist for young men of color in our community and provide them the tools they need to be successful.”
In his new role, Morgan will work with Jonathan Chapman, vice president of community collaboratives, and the Cradle to Career director, to lead the MBK Model Community initiatives for the city of Omaha. This initiative aims to achieve a measurable shift in outcomes for boys and young men of color. This role will play a pivotal part in strengthening local collaborations and establishing new partnerships to help the community achieve the six key milestones to success identified by the Obama Foundation’s MBK Alliance.
“We are excited to welcome Mr. Morgan as the MBK Omaha Program Manager,” said Willie Barney, founder and CEO, Empowerment Network. “His dedication to fostering community development and youth empowerment aligns perfectly with our mission, and we look forward to the innovative and impactful programs he will help us create and implement.”
Supported in part by the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance, a program of The Obama Foundation, the Empowerment Network is dedicated to building safe and thriving communities through economic, educational and social success. Programs like Omaha 360 and Step-Up Omaha exemplify these efforts. My Brother’s Keeper Alliance promotes supportive communities for boys and young men of color, ensuring they feel valued and have clear pathways to opportunity.
With Bachelor’s degrees in Sociology and Psychology from Nebraska Wesleyan University, and a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Bellevue University, Morgan is currently completing his certification in Fundraising Management at University of Nebraska-Omaha.
To stay connected with the Empowerment Network and learn about upcoming events, visit https://empoweromaha.com/. Follow Empowerment Network on Facebook at Facebook.com/EmpowermentNetwork.
About the Empowerment Network
The Empowerment Network is a nonprofit organization committed to advancing economic, social, and civic progress within Omaha’s African American community, North Omaha and the region. Through collaborative efforts and innovative initiatives, the Empowerment Network strives to create opportunities for empowerment and transformation in every zip code and neighborhood in Omaha and beyond.
Vicki Quaites-Ferris
The Empowerment Network